Pixelmon Sidemod API - Bug tracker

Pixelmon 1.10.2 Version 5.0.1CommandBlock, NPC Command crsht Server unreproducible

Ticket description:
After the last update of Pixelmon from the beta version, the CommandBlöcke no longer work, as well as the Sidemod "NPC Commands". When setting the NPC command and the command blocks, the server crashed. We have already checked this error on our part and have excluded any mistakes. Can you help us?

We set up an NPC and make the command as in the description of the Sidemod, which still works very well, but if you then use the NPC crash the server.
Enclosed I send screenshot and Crashreport.




#15524 Posted by Rasgnarok » 02 Feb 2017 17:01

Both reports imply that you used the wrong command - we only get this note of it:
Command: /spawn
Name: @Trainer

What command were you using? As for SpongeForge, you are using a vastly (note, vastly) outdated build - you will experience issues with it. As for your notes, you state using 1844 and 1878, but in your reports, you are using 2078. Update everything accordingly, and give us the exact line you are giving to the command block.

#15534 Posted by Totoro711 » 03 Feb 2017 14:22

We installed the following version of Forge, but not all the information was up to date.


We used the following commands for the NPC:
/tedit add win /spawn
/tedit add loss /spawn
Our players are to be teleported to the spawn after completing the fight
According to the description in the Pixelmon Wiki, the command is so:
/tedit add <"win" | "Loss"> <command>

As soon as the fight is over, you should be teleported to the spawn, but the server crasht
The /spawn command works for everyone, but not for the NPC.
We also tried it with other commands:
/tedit add win /spawn
/tedit add loss /teleport @p x y z

When I enter the command and confirm with "Enter", I click the NPC with my hand, it is in the Pixelmon wiki explained in it, the command is confirmed, but if the command after the fight is crashed the server

No matter what command we give the NPC, the server crasht

I have also written down the commands of the command blocks

/summon FireworksRocketEntity ~50 ~10 ~50 {LifeTime:20,FireworksItem:{id:fireworks,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Explosions:[{Type:0,Flicker:1,Trail:1,Colors:[13629951,6513507],FadeColors:[9109397]},{Type:3,Flicker:0,Trail:0,Colors:[16745115],FadeColors:[16777215]},{Type:4,Flicker:0,Trail:0,Colors:[8890367],FadeColors:[16777215]},{Type:1,Flicker:0,Trail:0,Colors:[16449400],FadeColors:[16777215]}]}}}}

/summon Villager ~ ~2 ~ {Invulnerable:1,PersistenceRequired:1,Silent:1,NoAI:1,CustomName:Voteshop,Offers:{Recipes:[{buy:{id:pixelmon:marsh_badge,Count:15},sell:{id:pixelmon:good_rod,Count:1},rewardExp:false,maxUses:9999999},{buy:{id:pixelmon:marsh_badge,Count:30},sell:{id:pixelmon:super_rod,Count:1},rewardExp:false,maxUses:9999999},{buy:{id:pixelmon:dynamo_badge,Count:2},sell:{id:pixelmon:master_ball,Count:1},rewardExp:false,maxUses:9999999},{buy:{id:pixelmon:dynamo_badge,Count:1},buyB:{id:pixelmon:marsh_badge,Count:36},sell:{id:pixelmon:ability_capsule,Count:1},rewardExp:false,maxUses:9999999}]}}

Head Red Present

/give @p skull 1 3 {display:{Name:"Red Present"},SkullOwner:{Id:"50fa4bf3-dfe3-4703-b0d3-7f735bb5b781",Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDJhYzFjNTE4MDdlMjYxYzEyYzRmMmFkYmFkMzZiOGIyYzQ5N2MyNzdmNzIyM2VjMjQ0Y2I0NjA4YzU5YyJ9fX0="}]}}}

These commands related to the CommandBlocks functioned smoothly until the last update.

In the CrashReport, as indicated, the data I added to you by link

#15541 Posted by MoeBoy76 » 04 Feb 2017 02:55

The command /spawn is attempting to teleport the CommandBlock that is used to run the trainer commands, which does not actually exist, so you will need to use /spawn @pl

#15543 Posted by Totoro711 » 04 Feb 2017 06:02

This command will cause the server to crash during execution. Any command that we use when I list it here will be a long list, as already written every command that a CommandBlock or NPC Command should crasht the server.

#15546 Posted by Rasgnarok » 04 Feb 2017 14:32

Can you give us the crash log when it does?

#15547 Posted by Totoro711 » 04 Feb 2017 15:01

The crash report already exists in the previous news. Furthermore, I can not every 5 min the server crashen we have players here also want to play. Please try it also times with you

We have already executed the following commands, but the error has been shown over and over again.

/ tedit add win /spawn
/ tedit add Loss /spawn
/tedit add win /teleport xyz
/tedit add loss /teleport xyz
/tedit add win /@p xyz
/tedit loss /@p xyz
/tedit win /@pl xyz
/tedit loss /@pl xyz

All these commands were already tried out, but every time the server crashed, please try it out for yourself.


#15551 Posted by MoeBoy76 » 05 Feb 2017 07:49

The command /spawn is attempting to teleport the CommandBlock that is used to run the trainer commands, which does not actually exist, so you will need to use /spawn @pl

you didn't read this and do it at all, you literally copy pasted your previous message

using /spawn will not teleport the Player unless you tell it to

#15552 Posted by Totoro711 » 05 Feb 2017 09:13

I gave you all the commands we could use on our server. The command / spawn teleport heden player included me to the spawn, and the NPC then also to do with the player. The @p or @pl does not work, this command does not exist with us. I can only give you the commands that we can use and have tried, they have also tried it themselves. I copied some text, which I have to repeat here. Please send me the correct command for the NPC if I want to teleport a player to a certain place.

#15554 Posted by MoeBoy76 » 05 Feb 2017 13:18

Since you don't actually have any plugins to send players to spawn (one of your mods might but i don't know them) instead of /spawn do /tp @pl x y z where xyz are the spawn coordinates, if you are crashing after changing that then post another crash report

#15560 Posted by Totoro711 » 05 Feb 2017 16:26

Can you send me a command like you want an NPC to be teleports a player after finishing a fight with an NPC to another location on the same dimension

Ticket details

  • Ticket ID: 11465
  • Project: Pixelmon Sidemod API
  • Status: Unreproducible
  • Component: (unknown)
  • Project version: (unknown)
  • Priority: Normal
  • Severity: Normal
  • Forge/Sponge: Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.10.2 loading Examining for coremod candidacy spongeforge-1.10.2-2123-6.0.0-BETA-1878.jar
  • What else would be useful to know?: PixelAuction 1.10.2-1.1.1 PixelExtras 1.10.2-2.2.1 TrainerCommands 1.10.2-2.1.3 WonderTrade 1.10.2-4.4.4 worldedit-forge-mc1.10.2-6.1.4 spongeforge 1.10.2-2107-6.0.0-BETA-1844
  • Assigned to: XpanD
  • Reported by: Totoro711 (Send PM)
  • Reporter's tickets: (List all tickets)
  • Reported on: 02 Feb 2017 09:36
  • Ticket last visited by: XpanD on 06 May 2019 07:35