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By GReimer
#198018 I've been playing the latest version of Pixelmon and having a blast on a single player world but I ran into a new "feature" that turn me off of the entire mod in a heartbeat. After setting up a small house and wheat farm I took what apricorns I had collected and started making small apricorn farm. I was looking of growing six of each color (twelve of the more commonly used ones - for me thats yellow and green) but ran into a game ending snag. After getting the farm half populated I received a notification in chat saying that there were too many plants in the area and that I should plant elsewhere. I'm sure this must have something to do with controlling lag or something but it's completely asinine to limit an apricorn farm to about 32 bushes. I tried removing the less used bushes like pink and blue to make room for new plants but I got the same notification. Having only three red plants meant I had to sit, wait, and twiddle my thumbs until all of them had matured just to make a regular pokeball. Personally, I'd rather be playing the mod rather then sitting around watching plants grow. Is there any way to removed this incredibly stupid feature? It makes Pixelmon simply unplayable to me. It takes way too long to gather the materials needed.