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Hi there. Just to note, this post is a few years old. We're currently in the process of creating a Nostalgia Mode for Pixelmon that toggles Smooth models into Blocky ones (the Blocky models are made using BlockBench). You can see a sneak peak of one of them here on our Twitter:

Re: Pixelmon pc

by LordSamosa ¦ 11 Dec 2023 21:14 ¦ Forum: Suggest A Feature ¦ Topic: Pixelmon pc ¦ Replies: 2 ¦ Views: 15359

The PC box count can be changed in the config files, but would probably make most sense to increase the default amount anyways since more have been added.

Re: Questions as a newbie model maker

by LordSamosa ¦ 03 Nov 2023 01:39 ¦ Forum: Modelling ¦ Topic: Questions as a newbie model maker ¦ Replies: 1 ¦ Views: 8047

Hi there. This may be the wrong forums for you. This is the Modelling Section for Pixelmon, a Minecraft mod that adds Pokemon into the game. You may want to find a forum more suited to your interestes. Have a good day :)

Re: Pokemon Attribute Config

by LordSamosa ¦ 23 Oct 2023 23:56 ¦ Forum: Suggest A Feature ¦ Topic: Pokemon Attribute Config ¦ Replies: 2 ¦ Views: 133093

This is definitely already doable with Datapacks, so far that people have added Digimon itself to Pixelmon. I recommend taking a look at to get started. The Digimon pack can be found here:

Re: Does anybody else prefer the old blocky models?

by LordSamosa ¦ 22 Jul 2023 15:33 ¦ Forum: Modelling ¦ Topic: Does anybody else prefer the old blocky models? ¦ Replies: 1 ¦ Views: 3914

Everyone has a preference and nothing wrong with that. You'll be happy to know though we're working on a Nostalgia mode which aims to bring blocky models to all Pokemon as an optional mode, like how Sprite mode functions. It's been in the plans for a long time, and will take a while since there's a ...

Re: What is the point of Pixelmon?

by LordSamosa ¦ 18 Jun 2023 14:44 ¦ Forum: Off-Topic ¦ Topic: What is the point of Pixelmon? ¦ Replies: 1 ¦ Views: 3854

it's not everyone's cup of tea but a lot of people enjoy it because they see it as something they've always wanted in the official games, or an improvement of. People have said they enjoy Pixelmon as it's like an open-world Pokemon game (compared to LOA), or a sandbox Pokemon game where you can do w...

Re: Prevented Spawn Method without plugin.

by LordSamosa ¦ 12 Jun 2023 13:02 ¦ Forum: Suggest A Feature ¦ Topic: Prevented Spawn Method without plugin. ¦ Replies: 1 ¦ Views: 650

to come up with a mod pack or new admin Poke item to prevent Pokemon (only), not NPC from spawning in an area This is already possible using the Betterspawner config file in the mod. You can set an area of co-ordinates that Pokemon cannot spawn in, the file is editable via Datapack. https://pixelmo...

Re: Pokémon models displayed as their mesh

by LordSamosa ¦ 10 Jun 2023 14:38 ¦ Forum: Modelling ¦ Topic: Pokémon models displayed as their mesh ¦ Replies: 1 ¦ Views: 1468

Try F3 + W or F3 + J

Re: Pokemon: Legends Arceus sleeping mechanics

by LordSamosa ¦ 06 Jun 2023 16:46 ¦ Forum: Suggest A Feature ¦ Topic: Pokemon: Legends Arceus sleeping mechanics ¦ Replies: 1 ¦ Views: 803

This seems out of the scope for Pixelmon and definitely already has mods that can do this. Example being:

Re: 9.0.x Model Question

by LordSamosa ¦ 03 May 2023 20:52 ¦ Forum: Modelling ¦ Topic: 9.0.x Model Question ¦ Replies: 1 ¦ Views: 3012

Hi there, BMD is a compressed SMD. The changelog line was for models that were still old formats and needed updating. You can convert models from BMD -> SMD and vice versa using the convertor tool we have in our Discord. Here's a direct link: