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/wiki Slot should not be able usable on eggs.

by WaifuJanna ¦ 05 May 2024 04:08 ¦ Forum: Suggest A Feature ¦ Topic: /wiki Slot should not be able usable on eggs. ¦ Replies: 0 ¦ Views: 23510

The wiki [1-6] command can be abused to see whats inside a pokemon egg.
Make a config option similar as IVS that checks if the slot is an egg, if yes deny it.

Wrong Spawning

by WaifuJanna ¦ 20 Jan 2024 17:41 ¦ Forum: General Discussion ¦ Topic: Wrong Spawning ¦ Replies: 1 ¦ Views: 27946

that sounds like vanilla mob replacement. what happens if you do /gamerule domobspawning false ?

Currently the NBT format in Datapacks is chaotic and not standardized, i would like to suggest to unify the variable names, since not even the Support Team is aware of which one is the correct name. To give a quick example i post the same list, as i posted in the Discord. pokechestdrops✅ "type&...

Re: Command Input when NPC Trainer defeated

by WaifuJanna ¦ 10 Aug 2023 15:24 ¦ Forum: Suggest A Feature ¦ Topic: Command Input when NPC Trainer defeated ¦ Replies: 2 ¦ Views: 1928

Thats part of Trainercommands, but yeah, i dont see a reason against it, a little field in trainer editor near the reward window called "command"

so i like the suggestion

Would be nice if you can use pokebomb command to summon random bosses. Right now you can only make every pokemon the same bosstier.

so i would like to suggest add boss:rng or an "randomboss" spec to the game.

How to change shiny pokemon to normal?

by WaifuJanna ¦ 14 Jun 2023 10:11 ¦ Forum: General Discussion ¦ Topic: How to change shiny pokemon to normal? ¦ Replies: 1 ¦ Views: 4403

/pokeedit Yourname Yourslot shiny:false
you cant dynamax eternatus. even pokeedit wouldnt work, cause it will just refresh after every summon.

Why Dawn and Dusk shard doesn't drop from Ore ?

by WaifuJanna ¦ 13 Jun 2023 11:59 ¦ Forum: Off-Topic ¦ Topic: Why Dawn and Dusk shard doesn't drop from Ore ? ¦ Replies: 1 ¦ Views: 1585

dusk and dawn ore only drops when mined during evening/morning.

Those tags would probably result in bias as things like uniqueness and performance are subjective. Plus, giving someone's server a low total rating is bound to make them upset. However, I wouldn't be opposed to some sort of tagging system if it is possible to do within Discord, so that you can sear...

Hey there, right now the discord server is like this, a person joins the discord and ask "looking for good server", the support team leads them to the #Servers channel, and then what? The person get lost. Since obviously the Server Owners are like "Join my Server its the best". S...

Re: Gym Leader Boss type

by WaifuJanna ¦ 27 May 2023 07:45 ¦ Forum: Suggest A Feature ¦ Topic: Gym Leader Boss type ¦ Replies: 1 ¦ Views: 2176

I like the idea, but +15 levels directly is a bit off, and make Low level gyms like 10/20/30 way harder then level 90/100 gyms. I would rather use some experimental scaling. percentage wise of the level. (thats already a thing) Like Level scaling 1.1 (10%) + 5 level. then level 100 trainer would hav...