Pixelmon Mod - Bug tracker

5.0 Beta 6: Riolu Seemingly Not Spawning Anywhere. fix completed

Ticket description:
Hello, I've been having a problem on the Pixelmon mod, regarding the spawn rate of Riolu. According to the official Pixelmonmod.com wiki, Riolu has around a 4% chance to spawn in either Extreme Hills M, or Extreme Hills +, during the daytime. However, I have spent several hours just waiting for it to show up, and nothing. I have seen several Hitmonlees, Charizards, and Charmeleons, all of which, according to the pixelmonmod.com wiki, have a 1% or lower spawn chance. Riolu has four times the amount, and I have yet to even see one. I know, I sound like an angry brat right now, but I have literally been in the Extreme Hills + and M for almost 4 hours in real time, and I have literally seen several of every possible pokemon that can spawn in this area, including Entei, and still no hint of Riolu. I even went into the Config options, and set the spawn tick rate to 1, and the max land pokemon to 400, and a big bunch of pokemon popped up all around me... except for Riolu. I think this is slightly unfair, as there is no other way to obtain Riolu (and Lucario) other then trading, or getting lucky with a ditto ranch. Please, don' take this with a grain of salt, I think the spawnrate may actually be bugged in some way. I am on a single player world, and using forge 1.10.2-


#13758 Posted by Tinks » 29 Aug 2016 19:26

Just wanted to add to this and say I think OP may be on to something. I was looking through the bug tracker and saw this and realized I hadn't seen a single Railu either. My home base is adjacent to Extreme Hills and I've caught every other pokemon listed as spawning there but no Railu. This may be worth looking in to.

#13759 Posted by Some Body » 29 Aug 2016 19:51

There was a bit of a transcription error in the wiki; Riolu spawns in Extreme Hills+ M, not regular Extreme Hills M. However, I was able to find Riolu in Extreme Hills+ just fine.

Ticket details

  • Ticket ID: 10118
  • Project: Pixelmon Mod
  • Status: Fix completed
  • Component: Spawning
  • Project version: 5.x.x
  • Priority: Normal
  • Severity: Normal
  • Forge/Sponge: (unknown)
  • What else would be useful to know?: (unknown)
  • Assigned to: Lukob96
  • Reported by: poombawa3 (Send PM)
  • Reporter's tickets: (List all tickets)
  • Reported on: 28 Aug 2016 19:26
  • Ticket last visited by: Lukob96 on 23 May 2019 04:34