When in multiplayer and 2 persons holding a camera & film in their inventory, if one person clicks the camera, the film gets consumed for all people, and all people get the photo. Even without clicking.
- 1. Join Multiplayer Server (Tested on Arclight, and Forge Vanilla (Nebula))
- 2. Find someone who has a camera/film
- 3. Tell them to take photos of pokemons around you (seems to be render distance)
- 4. You take your camera and just look through the view and hover over pokemons
- 5. You get photos even without clicking
- 6. Your film gets consumed
- 7. The "Clicking" sound is duplicated for the person who took the photo
-> The "Clicking" triggering on every player in range, who holding a camera and is hovering over a pokemon.No errors in console. Tested with Samosa :)