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By Yaseen
#860 I really like this model

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By Arrow
Skylord_Nanbug wrote:Well diagonal bit of the heals dont join up with the bottom bit of the heals at the bottom of the legs on the so there is like a pastch of skin where more of the heals should be.

i tried to fix that but it won't work.... the both legs and shoes have the same sized blocks and the same positioning from the torso and stuff but the other leg doesn't do that.... i don't really thinks it's possible to fix unless you want the leg slightly floating above the shoe.
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By Arrow
#990 any defects with the model that need a fix before i HD texture?
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By Hiroku
#999 Noope. I love the heels. Brilliance truly. You need to make heaaaps of trainer models! Oh and when you HD texture the model, does anyone else think its just the eyes? I like the texture for the coat right now
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By Arrow
#1119 yeah i will HD texture the eyes mostly maybe add slight skin discoloration or something it make it look more HD i'm unsure about the eyes thou i don't really like them being 3x3 i like working with 2x2 better and maybe make the glasses smaller to fit that but i'm really unsure at the moment.
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By Arrow
#1794 just started the HD texturing, this time i have so much room on my texutemap.... this could take a while but when i get less school work i promise i will finish it..
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By Arrow
#1927 TRIPLE POST!!!!!! any way.......
i haven't had much time to HD texture all i got done is the legs really.... i seemed to had under estimated the texture map sizes and stuff and mind-fucked myself..... can't you tell on the hills? the texture is alittle off and i really don't know how this happened but i guess i will just have to try to fix it some how...

Updated Pic
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By Hiroku
#1941 If you are using, open the old texture map, then go image->resize and make one of the settings "Nearest Neighbour" and change the size. Make sure it is in multiples of 4 so you don't get any issues.