By Harbinger
#78882 Took longer than it should of but at least its finally done :D

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By Strayed
#78932 Nice! great job, only one minor issue. The flames, they look a little more like a my space background, than the pointed flames he is normally depicted with. But really, the modeling is so well done, that it over shadows the minor flaw. I love it.
By fosterd
#79195 harbinger you should place this line into the approval section so it can get into the game
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By KuryoZT
#81427 I have to agree, it's an awsome model, but the flames look a bit wrong.
The model might be old, and approved already though, but I can't check, so sorry if it is.
But, if I can, I suggest that if you can't make the flames bigger, at least make them higher. They're currently at it's arms level, but they should be higher and even right above them. Sorry, I can't provide images to argument my point, but good old gen2 artowrks depicts it with its fire all the way to its "shoulders" (where its arms joins its body).
But nice cool/scary-looking model anyway, nice to see ya keeping up making more and more models.
By bigbaylor
#81939 This and electivire are my fav pokes of all time and this looks amazing no doubt. I just think the colors are a bit dark