Is this ready for approval?


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By Edeodin
#68288 Not bad Jose! ;) Here's a few things that stand out to me right away that could be fixed up. The eyes are too close together. Also the point on his head should be more smooth on top. Here's a reference to better explain what I mean. Texture wise, could you maybe add a line around the edge of the eyes?

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By karrybird
#68369 looks good, but one thing i should mention.
that blue stripe on the body, it's waay too straight, curve it slightly to give it the appearance of being round rather than flat.
By Harbinger
#68458 Looks great, I think its ready for approval once you've rounded the blue stripe.
By SubGenesis
#68595 I think we should allow it to have more segments personally because the whole point of porygon 2 and z is being round but that besides it still looks good
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By Tempo777
#68703 maybe the pink/purple on PorygonZ's body needs to be darker and more liek Edeodin's picture