By YellowFox1423
#97799 Name: Isiah
Age: 15
IGN: YellowFox1423

Where do you live ATM. Eastern Stander Time

Have you played on our servers before? Yes

How long have you been playing minecraft? 4 years

What position are you applying for? What positions are there?

Reason for wanting this position? Still need to know.

Experience. What kind of experience

What special skills will you bring to the group? I don't know

How often do you plan on being on the server? From around 3 pm to 9 pm

Other than English, what language are you fluent in? None

Skype: pixelmonmaster1423

Additional info: I would love to see all the pixelmon trainers back on your server having fun and catching them all.
By bluegroll2
#98052 Name:Nick

Where do you live ATM.Edmonton Alberta Canada.

Have you played on our servers before? Yep.

How long have you been playing minecraft? 3 years

What position are you applying for? Mod

Reason for wanting this position? I've loved this server for a long time. And I was stupid to quit and be rude to everyone i'm really sorry. but i can be very active and play alot! And i was framed cuz i didnt have a double chest of Rare Candys thats cray !

Experience. Mod on Zanes server, Leader on yours, Leader on Fire Red,

What special skills will you bring to the group? Great at pokemon and pixelmon for a long time now. its been awesome and i still play alot.

How often do you plan on being on the server? 5 hours about a day. around 4 - 6 PM i can get on and get off at 9 - 11 PM

Other than English, what language are you fluent in? A bit in Ukrainian and French

Skype: finnthehumanminecrafttime

Additional info: I feel like you wont accept me because of what i did that other time but really times have changed and i will be on so much ! i can help out and even donate too . Thanks for reading this Lessy.. I hope your not mad at me still..