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By BlueJay909
#130351 PixelSky

My new server coming soon!
The server will be called PixelSky and will be for Pixelmon (obviously).

PixelSky will feature Economy, and will be survival based (If all goes right).
I am currently working on it, but I am not fully finished. I will post when it is up, and tell the server IP.

I am going to accept helpers soon to help build structures for the server. PixelSky may have SkyBlock later on to help with the server name. These SkyBlocks will feature create-able shops to help make money for the economy.
The economy will feature buyable items such as resources and creative-only items.

I will post more soon on this server! :D


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By BlueJay909
#130352 This post will be deleted after the next post is up, so it doesn't seem like spam or advertising. Comment soon if you have questions!
