By imapseudonym
#6404 Yeah, we originally set it so players didn't lose their items because we didn't have bukkit. So the only way to get a free ride back to your home was to die. So we may have to look into that in the future since we have teleports/warps/homes now.
By Bramazing
imapseudonym wrote:Yeah, we originally set it so players didn't lose their items because we didn't have bukkit. So the only way to get a free ride back to your home was to die. So we may have to look into that in the future since we have teleports/warps/homes now.

No dont change its very handy i mean i would have nothing now if not for that
By Umbreon23
Lusewing wrote:Image

Whats that I see at the end of the lava? Me thinks I spy a dungeon

Lol zubat, probaly got grounded, sitting in a corner facing a wall XD