By djcrazy20
#53411 ign:djcrazy20
country where you live: UK
pokemon knowledge:9
building experience:7
why do you want to help: well i think this server would be very populor for pixelmon players around the globe
do you know how to use world edit: yes sort of

By Josecami
djcrazy20 wrote:ign:djcrazy20
country where you live: UK
pokemon knowledge:9
building experience:7
why do you want to help: well i think this server would be very populor for pixelmon players around the globe
do you know how to use world edit: yes sort of

Add picture please.
By DatMiniAsian
#53595 IGN: DatMiniAsian
Age (only 14+) : 14 [15 in November]
Country where you live: USA
Pokemon knowledge (1-10): 9
Building experince(1-10): 8
Pic of any building (IMPORTANT):
Why do you want to help:I just finished helping to build on a different server but it's getting shut down so I'm looking for another server to build on.
How much you play daily: Around 8 hours if not more
Do you know how to use World Edit: I don't really use World Edit, sorry
I built this entire town by myself after I figured out how to make circles :p
2013-07-05_19.35.32.png (463.83 KiB) Viewed 929 times
This is how it looks from the side.
2013-07-05_19.35.54.png (430.33 KiB) Viewed 929 times
By DatMiniAsian
#53614 I'm sorry, I can't get Hamachi to work for me right now. D: Thank you for accepting me but mah Hamachi is bugging out.
By Josecami
DatMiniAsian wrote:I'm sorry, I can't get Hamachi to work for me right now. D: Thank you for accepting me but mah Hamachi is bugging out.

Okay. too bad you´re such a good builder.
By Ruke
#53847 Age (only 14+) : 23
Country where you live: Portugal
Pokemon knowledge (1-10): 10
Building experince(1-10): 7
Why do you want to help: Because I love pixelmon and building epic stuff.
How much you play daily: A lot.
Do you know how to use World Edit: Yes

Picture of any building:

An Assassin's Creed-style town I once worked on