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By LevineMa
#139630 Version- 3.3.3

We are a new server looking for new members. Since we are new we have open spots in almost every gym and we are always looking for new staff. We have the towny plugin installed which if you don't know what that is basically you can join a town and you are basically on a team with them. We have many town events and the leaders of the towns have events. Some town events that we are gonna have throughout the server are each town gets a badge that represents them and the towns pick 5 people to represent them and then you fight the other towns to get control of their badges. We have great staff and a great community. Right now we are not a big server which is why we need more people to come on and give us advice on our server and how we make it better and if you like our server it would be awesome if you stay and join our community. Our donator ranks are very good, too. For example our 50 dollar donator rank (I'm sorry I don't know it in euros) comes with a lot of commands as well as a kit with rare candies and master balls, and it comes with 2 shiny legendaries and 1 normal legendary. Our IP address to join is and our website where you can leave any comments about how we can improve is My ig name is LevineMa... The owner of our server is BlazedRage. I hope to see everyone on later and remember don't be afraid to leave us advice. Thx... Hopefully see you on,