Forum rules: 
  • Do not post servers with hacked versions of Pixelmon, Technic modpacks, or cracked Minecraft. Your post will be removed and you will be banned.
  • Bumping a topic without meaningful discussion should be limited to once every 7 days.
  • Don't make a general post where you ask to be an operator/leader. If you want to be one, make an application on the server where you want to be one.
  • If you make a post about your server, don't give it a generic name like 'new server' or 'Pixelmon server'. We'll ask you to change it or remove it entirely.
  • Don't attempt to hire any server staff here. Use the Looking for Staff forum instead.
  • Don't use caps lock. The only attention it'll get you is that of the forum moderators.
  • Don't make more than one post about the same server. Players will join, so don't advertise it on a lot of posts.
  • If you want your topic removed, put 'remove this topic' in your title so we can see.
  • No advertising on other servers.
  • No advertising 3rd party services.
  • Stick to the rules, and have fun playing!

By RinnenganHaters
#154288 This server is super good and it got me back into pixelmon again when the skypixelmon server shutdown and i lost all my stuff and i thought i was never going to play pixelmon again but this got me back in to it awesome server :D.
By Trevaryn
#154940 I have played on a few pixelmon servers and this on is by far the nicest and most friendly (Seeker, Nick and Dragon!) The staff know their stuff and are always willing to help even if you mess up. The lack of lag makes everything even better!
By Jellyfish1221
#155212 My name is Jellyfish1221 in game and This is actually the first server I played Pixelmon on and I have tried other servers but so far this is the one that I have been enjoying the most. I still don't know too too much about Pokemon but the more I play on the server the more I have been learning and due to the interest it sparks inside of me I have also been thinking of watching the series. The server is amazing and fun and there is a lot to do. :)