Forum rules: 
  • Do not post servers with hacked versions of Pixelmon, Technic modpacks, or cracked Minecraft. Your post will be removed and you will be banned.
  • Bumping a topic without meaningful discussion should be limited to once every 7 days.
  • Don't make a general post where you ask to be an operator/leader. If you want to be one, make an application on the server where you want to be one.
  • If you make a post about your server, don't give it a generic name like 'new server' or 'Pixelmon server'. We'll ask you to change it or remove it entirely.
  • Don't attempt to hire any server staff here. Use the Looking for Staff forum instead.
  • Don't use caps lock. The only attention it'll get you is that of the forum moderators.
  • Don't make more than one post about the same server. Players will join, so don't advertise it on a lot of posts.
  • If you want your topic removed, put 'remove this topic' in your title so we can see.
  • No advertising on other servers.
  • No advertising 3rd party services.
  • Stick to the rules, and have fun playing!
By SwiftSwamp
#141974 Hello, Community of FadeCloud!

Pixelmon is now open to the public and I hope everyone will enjoy it!
To celebrate the release, Pixelmon is having a 75% off Black Friday sale that will last until Monday:

If you've never played Pixelmon or have no clue how to get started, please watch this video for help:
If you're still clueless, you can add me on Skype and I can help you get going: [email protected]
Minecraft Forge has not came out with a 1.8 version yet so until then you cannot directly connect to it from the Hub, sorry!

A lot of Pixelmon is still in progress so bare with me please! Below will be all of the information that'll be accessible in-game over time via Commands as I complete Pixelmon more and more:

How to get started and basic know-hows:

1. Logging Into Pixelmon:
Once you have finally loaded Pixelmon and want to connect to the server, you'll connect to the IP Addres:

2. Starting Your Adventure:
Your first time logging into the server you'll be asked to select a Level 5 Starter Pokemon of your choice out of 15. The selection is from the 3 starter Pokemon from the first 5 Generations of Pokemon, once selected you'll automatically proceed to spawn where you can purchase Exclusive Pixelmon Gear, normal Minecraft Items, warp to various locations, get information about Staff, visit the Tutorial(WIP) underneath spawn and much more! Don't forget to type /kit starter for your kit!

3. What Do I Do Now?:
Now that you're into the Server, know what Spawns all about and even visited the Tutorial if you no clue what's going you are ready to finally begin traveling out into the scary but very peaceful world of Pixelmon! From here on out you can catch and battle wild Pixelmon, battle your friends or even make friends, find a nice small plot of land that you want to claim using your Golden Shovel (Visit the Rank Information for help), collect resources, fight trainers, get strong enough to fight against Gym Leaders(WIP) to earn those Gym Badges, explore new terrains or biomes, strive to be the greatest and much more!

Rank Information:
Anything that has {} around it is to be replaced, none of the commands actually have {} in them, I just use those to show you what goes in that spot.

/pokestats - Shows you how many Wins / Losses you have in Pokemon Battles
/report {username} {information} - Reports a User
/suggest {information} - Suggest a feature
/abandonclaim - Abandon's the claim you're standing in that you've claimed using your Golden Shovel
/trust {username} - Gives another player permission to edit in your claim
/untrust {username} - Removes the ability for a player to edit in your claim
/trustlist - Lists the permissions for the claim you're standing in
/claimexplosions - Toggles if explosions are allowed in the claim
/accesstrust {username} - Gives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, and beds
/containertrust {username} - Gives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, beds, crafting gear, containers, and animals.
/subdivideclaims - Switches your shovel to subdivision mode, so you can subdivide your claims
/basicclaims - Puts your shovel back in basic claims mode
/permissiontrust {username} - Grants a player permission to share his permission level with others
/untrustall - Removes all permissions for all players in your claim
/abandonallclaims - Deletes all of your claims
/auction - Auction Help Page
/bid {bid amount} {max bid} - Bidding, all parameters optional. If {bid amount} is omitted, bid automatically becomes the current bid + minimum bid increment. In sealed auctions, {bid amount} is required and {max bid} is ignored.
/lottery buy {lottery name} {ticket amount} - Purchases a ticket for the servers lottery
/lottery claim - Claims your reward if you have won the lottery
/skillpoints help - Displays the general McMMO Skill Points help page
/skillpoints list - Lists all valid McMMO Abilities to use your points on
/train {skill} {amounts} - Uses your points to level up a McMMO Skill
/mcmmo help - McMMO Help Page
/mcstats - View your McMMO Stats
/mctop {skill} {page} - Displays the leader boards for that skill
/inspect {player} - Shows a players stats
/mcability - Toggle ability activation with right click
/party create {name} - Creates a McMMO party with which you can share chat, teleport to other party members and even gain bonus exp if you're near another member!
/party join {username} - Joins a players party
/party quit - Leaves your current party
/party chat - Toggles if you're speaking in the party chat or general
/party invite {username} - Invites the player to join your party
/party accept - Accepts a party invite
/party teleport {username} - Teleports to the player in your party
/myc mute - Mutes MysteryCrates messages
/myc unmute - Unmutes MysterCrates messages
/tokenshop open - Opens up the TokenShop
/tokenshop pay {player} {amount} - Gives a user your Tokens
/vote - Shows the Vote Information
/exp - Shows you how much Exp you have
/kits - Lists all of your kits
/balance - Shows you your Balance
/balancetop {pagenumber} - Shows you the top balances of the server
/pay {username} {amount} - Gives a player your money
/afk - Sets your player to afk
/helpop {message} - Sends a message to all Staff online
/ignore {username} - Don't like someone? Ignore all of there chat
/list - Lists everyone online
/mail read - Reads your mail
/mail clear - Clears your mail
/mail send {username} {message} - Sends a message to a players inbox
/motd - Shows you the Message of the Day
/recipe {item name or item id} - Shows you to craft an item
/rules - Shows you the rules (MAKE SURE TO READ THEM!!!)
/seen {username} - Shows you basic information as when the person was last online and if they are banned or not
/ping - Responds with pong
/spawn - Spawns you to the servers spawn
/sethome {name} - Sets your home to the name of your choice
/delhome {name} - Removes a home
/home {homename} - Teleports to a home (Beds are counted as homes)
/warps - Lists the servers warps
/tpa {username} - Requests to teleport to a player
/tpaccept - Accepts a teleport request from a player
/tpahere {username} Requests to have a player teleported to you
/tpdeny - Declines a teleport request

/kit vip - Gives you the VIP kit, can be done once a week
/hat - Puts the block you're currently holding into your head slot, making it a hat
/ptime - Sets your worlds time (Only effects your end)
/workbench - Opens up a portable workbench
/powertool - Binds commands to items
/enderchest - Opens up your enderchest anywhere
/back - Return to the last location you died from or teleported to
/sell - Sells your items to the server (Work in Progress)
/playervault {number} - Opens up your player vault
/pokeheal - Heals all of your Pokemon back to full health

/kit vipplus - Gives you the VIP+ kit, can be done once a week
/repair - Repairs your items durability
/nick {namename} - Renames your Username

/kit master - Gives you the Master kit, can be done once a week
/fly - Allows you to fly
/trails {trail} - Gives you a trail that emulates from your character as you move (Over 30 to choose from!)
/invsee {username} - Shows you what the player's inventory has

/realname {username} - Gives a players real name if they are using a nickname
/ipsearch {username} - Matches the ip address with other accounts to see if the user has any alts
/ban {username} {reason} - Bans a player
/invsee {username} - Shows you the contents of a players inventory
/kick {username} {reason} - Kicks a player
/mute {username} {reason} {time} - Mutes a player
/tempban {username} {reason} {time} - Temporarily bans a player
/unban {username} - Unbans a player
/tp {username} - Instantly teleports to a player
/tphere {username} - Instantly teleports a player to you

Donation Information: (More Detailed Info Soon)
poke: Receive a random Pokemon with a small chance to receive a Legendary.
Great: Receive a random Pokemon with a medium chance to receive a Legendary.
Ultra: Receive a random Pokemon with an even Higher chance to receive a Legendary.
Master: Receive a random Pokemon with an even Higher chance to receive a Legendary and with a chance of having the Pokemon / Legendary being Shiny.
Voter: Receive a random Pixelmon Item.
PokeTM: Receive a random TM.
PokeHM: Receive a random HM.
PokeMail: Receive 5x of a random PokeMail.
PokeGem: Receive a random PokeGem.
Accessorie: Receive a random Pokemon Accessorie (Held Item).

Current Events:
11-28-2014 > 12-5-2014: Trainers, Pokelook, Chests, Legendary and Overall Pokemon Spawn Rates have been greatly increased for the opening of the server!

Current Kits:
Kit VIP:
Kit VIP+:
Please give me suggestions on what should be added, removed or changed!

Also need a suggestion for what should be in the Voter crate.

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By Roark196
#141995 Well, my first experience here was terrible. I joined, then some VIP spams a battle window through his pokemon following me, and soon after he tells me to stop spamming. He continues and utters the phrase "enjoy a ban dipsh*t". At this point I just left. With conduct like that, there's no point returning.