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By linkingit
#154107 Hi we are a new pixelmon server we have Survival and a custom made Region and we have events and a unique crate system if you come online you get 5 chance boxes or 5 10 Xezamohr Packs your choice please come and give us a try feedback is always welcome

updates : we added Card packs! get your card packs or card bundles
to do : add a daily login and activity rewards

We have like more servers event and we have a tournament every end of the year to choose the new champion (this is only a tournament champion the adventure champion Death stay the same) we will have too dropparty's
DropParty's :
We have 3 differend Drop Party's the normal drop party here we will drop stuff like master balls fossils diamonds enc
as second we have pokemon party's like the name tells here we will spawn normal pokemons shinies and maybe a legend?
Box Party: in this dropparty we will drop our Crates this can be poke to Legend crates Xezamohr CardPacks to Weather Card Bundles and chance boxes & Cardmaster packs
Crates : We have a Crates System the crates are from common to rare :
we have 2 others Chance Boxes and Legendary Boxes
Chance boxes you can get any Box and legendary box is a guaranteed Legendary Pokemon and 5% for a shiny legendary
further we have card packs here you only get non-shiny shiny or legendary pokemons

We Hope to see you Soon! our ip is :25566