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By doriko45
#157115 So I have been playing for 2 years in this server, maybe 2 and a half. I really enjoy every day I get on and the community is respective and amazingly nice. The server is simulating 3 games of Pokemon, soon to be 4. FireRed, or Kanto, where you will start your adventure. Gold, or Johto, where you'll continue on from Kanto, and Emerald, or Hoenn, where you'll continue ever further. Soon there will be added the 4th region, Sinnoh - still unknown if it will be Diamond or Platinum. In the regions you'll have to beat gyms, train your pokemons and beat the Elite 4s. Every region adds days of fun, aspecially if you make friends on your journey. After beating the first region, Kanto, and beating MewTwo that's hiding in the Cerulean Cave, you'll get access to the wild, where you can do survival. You get to build houses, look for more kinds of wild pokemons and live in a city with your friends. The server adds a respective amount of daily events, which are the Legendary Birds, where you can find around Kanto, the Johto Legends, which you can find around Johto, and the Hoenn Legends, which you find around Kanto, and many more events. The server also has a website where you can find a live map, where you can check the regions, the wild and where everybody currently is, a POKeMART, where you can buy items, shiny pokemons and special things for your account, and a forum, where you can post and communicate with everybody playing; Write about what you think, ask for help and many more.

I am 100% you'll have a good time in your journey in this amazing server. Things are always being added and being progressed by the amazing staff and our, the players, help.

Have a good time :-)

#157208 (old account) Hey, Modern here; thought I'd stop by and cover what Doriko forgot to mention. First off, the gyms are NPC-powered, which means you don't have to wait for a gym leader to log on. Same for the elite fours. Second the legendary pokemon events: don't get the wrong idea! They can't be caught and are bosses to get goodies and exp. from. Kanto consists of Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, and the newly added Mewtwo, actually he always there, but not as a daily event. Since we still run on 3.4(1.7.10) johto only has Suicine, Entei, Raikou; who are all in one place, and the loner Lugia. In Heonn, we have the alpha, omega, and the delta (ORAS reference) Rayquaza its pretty obvious where he is if you've played gen 3 or ORAS, Kyogre you should run into on the way to mossdeep, not sure where Groudon is.............wait, did I practically give away all the locations? XD Anyway, as with most servers (at least I think) player vs. player exp. gain is off which means you can't farm exp. from battling others. As Doriko mentioned, your adventure starts in kanto then after the E4 you beat Mewtwo then from there, you have two options: go to the wild and make your own house and anything else you might want(recommended), or start the magnet train quest in saffron to start johto. after johto, you have to beat Red in mt. Silver to get access to hoenn which is accessed by the moving truck by kanto victory road. Anyway, the wild: we have a somewhat simple to use claim plugin which all you need is a golden shovel and maybe a stick. If you're curious about the site Doriko mentioned, you can find it at if you're curious about server rules or forum rules, you can ask any moderater or admin. In fact, there may be a post, I'll update this once I find it, for now things to keep in mind:
1. please don't mount in the regions, as lively as it looks, we don't want anyone just flying' onto the E4
2. no swearing please.
3. not sure if this applies to this server, but please use appropriate skins. That means no Hitler, no nude skins, no Obama, ect. Allow me to steal someone's quote: "don't be an idiot."

Besides from those you should be good! See you there!