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  • Stick to the rules, and have fun playing!
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By minecraftpessman
#158655 :mad:The Pokemon Society :mad:


~About This Server~
Do you want to venture back to your childhood dream or if your still a child, become the Pokemon trainer you have always wanted to be? Join The Pokemon Society! You will get the chance to begin your journey and make it to the top and be the very best! Here we make it our top priority to bring you a great expierience and to build a great community. Come join us and help us grow and you will get the chance to expierience it all! We look forward to see you there.

~Current Staff~
High Level Staff:
Owner: Frenzy49
Co-Owner: Minecraftpessman(CaptainNoob)
Admin Level Staff:
Head Admin: [Open]
Mod Admin: [Open]
Regular Level Staff:
Mod: [Open]
Mod: [Open]
Mod: [Open]
Mod: [Open]
1. &0[&eYoungster&0]&e &7Name
2. &0[&3Trainer&0]&3 &7 Name
3. &0[&5Professional Trainer&0]&5 &7 Name
4. &0[&6Prestige Trainer&0]&6 &7Name
5. &0[&4Master Trainer&0]&4 &7Name
6. &0[&2Elite Trainer&0]&2 &7Name
7. &0[&3T&5i&6t&4a&2n &8Trainer&0] &7Name
[Trainer] Name -> FREE
[Professional Trainer] Name -> $5.00
[Prestige Trainer] Name -> $10.00
[Master Trainer] Name -> $15.00
[Elite Trainer] Name -> $30.00
[Titan Trainer] Name -> $60.00
[Legendary Trainer] Name -> $100.00
Regular Pokeball Pack x64 -> $3.00
Great Pokeball Pack x64 -> $3.50
Ultra Pokeball Pack x64 -> $4.00
Master Ball x1 -> $5.00
Master Ball x6 -> $20.00
Kyogre -> $35.00
Groudon -> $35.00
Mew -> $40.00
Mewtwo -> $50.00
Rayquaza -> $50.00
Entei -> $20.00
Raikou -> $20.00
Suicune -> $20.00
Celebi -> $10.00
Currency $$$
$5,000 Coins -> $1.00
$15,000 Coins -> $3.00
$25,000 Coins -> $4.00
$35,000 Coins -> $6.00
$70,000 Coins -> $10.0