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By xWildxManx
#68448 Sorry for the shallow title but it would be hard to put all of this in it.

Basically what you do is you look to you right, and whatever you see first, keep it in your mind. After that try to guess the thing the person below you will post and post your item.

I'm gonna guess..... A SANDWICH! And my item is a Gameboy Color with Pokemon Crystal >w<

Oh yeah, computer mouses don't count because everyone would have one there :P

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#70638 nope

imma guess... a DS
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By Rzxa
#70646 Nope
I'm guessing CPU and only a Person who has mental issues won't
Know this
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By Foquine
#70726 Well... My computer is at my left.. so... I got mental issues...
Answer was a wall, or ultimately, a chair.

I'm guessing.. A plate?
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#71126 correct,
go ipod