By BuddahSm1Th
#165168 Backpacks would be a cool thing to have because after ahile things like pokeballs and blocks fill up your inventory fast...Also badge cases would be a cool thing to have too :-D

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By ceejayvee61
#165181 I think the badge cases should be implemented after gyms and gym leaders and the badge case should have its own GUI but still work like i presume a backpack would.
By IaeyanElyuex
#165257 If nothing else, at least have the backpack be for just Pixelmon stuff. Like, have it so you can't put things like cobblestone in the Backpack.
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By Some Body
#165316 There are already backpack mods out there.
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By VinceOrlando
#165342 Not many people want to put together mod packs or pix packs just for extra mods. Plus implementing it into the mod itself is something I have seen a lot ask for and would just make the mod that much more attractive.
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By Isi
#165347 Normal Minecraft inventory vs a year or two of duplication glitches on an a system we don't really need.