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By Gurt-B-Froe
#165336 Hi, I was wondering if this mod/mod editor would help with the unusual hit boxes? I saw someone post something about experiencing weird eye levels of hit boxes that should be taller to match the pixelmon. Unfortunately, I can't find that post and I really don't want to try to spend hours digging through the archives for it.

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By Isi
#165355 Could you elaborate on why hitboxes are a big deal? You don't physically fight Pixelmon.
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By Gurt-B-Froe
#165417 Well, sometimes I like to use the morph mod to morph into a pokemon, and it get's really awkward when you 're viewing something or someone from your morph's belly. And I'm kind of confused as to how you would ride certain pokemon.
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By EddyHg80
LLibrary wrote:LLibrary also adds support for multiple entity hitboxes, an essential feature for any mob mod. For example, if you make an entity that has a complex model, you don’t want players to be able to hit the air around it. With LLibrary you can make an hitbox for every part of your entity, creating boundaries of any shape.

That would solve the thing that annoys me the most about pixelmon, but I imagine that's a lot of work. One can dream :D
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By Gurt-B-Froe
#165432 Yeah. One can dream. If I could I'd do it myself. I don't have proficient knowledge of Java though... It would be nice. :D