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By harrymanhire
#168804 I love the new pixelmon music but what if there was a command that will let you play that music at any time i know you can edit it with the new 4.2.0/4.2.1 update but that like time bast right so why not add a command so you can play the song that you like and you don't need to wait for it to play my favorite song is The enchanted forest :) maybe it should look like this /play music *Music Name* and you can press tab and then the name will pop up and it only plays for you or you can do /play music *Player* *Music Name* that if you was not oped on a server and you ask a admin to play the music for you :)

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By MoeBoy76
#168807 Minecraft already allows you to do so, /playsound @a ~ ~ ~ 20 will play a random Pixelmon song to anyone within range with a volume of 20% (basically a jukebox at ~ ~ ~)
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By harrymanhire
#168810 im bad at useing that command :( but like a jukebox that will mean ill have to stand there