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By ABPGamer
#170798 I love the pixelmon mod <3 but there is something i think that is missing. I think there should be battle music like in the pokemon games. But i guess that will be copyrighted. But i could imagine your on a server and you think what can make a pokemon battle more fun. Well in my head i thought im new to the pixelmon mod but i know pokemon, so my thoughts would be is it like in the games? yes but there is something that is missing. There is deffently beautiful music but why isn't there battle music? well if you its to hard to add maybe some songs on brand new disk's? Just a suggestion ^^

(I was in the process on making my own texture pack that changes the disk's to have the most top voted pokemon battle songs and my favorites)

Thx for reading this suggestion! if you don't like the idea its totaly cool but i thought it would be ^^ From ABPGamer

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By harrymanhire
#170806 I have asked this before but what if there was a custom made battle music so why not ask the guy who makes the music for pixelmon to make battle music that way Lachlan dose not edit in battle music for his videos ps: lachlan is a youtuber
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By ABPGamer
#170813 i didn't know Lachlan did that well thx but i thought i could be cool as a default thing