By SapphireConstella
#192490 I was thinking that it would be neat if you could make a secret base like in R/OR, and S/AS. Especially in multiplayer servers.

Have special blocks that spawn in different biomes that, when Secret Power is used near/on them, open up to reveal randomly shaped rooms.

Then include all of the decorative items and features that come along with them. (Or even just add all of the items if the base thing is too redundant for minecraft) Like pokedolls, plants, rugs, posters(I know paintings are technically there already), cushions, etc. Have flags that can be 'captured,' useful NPCs, places for all your trophies etc.etc.

All of the items could be scattered as boss prizes, found randomly, or even sold by certain NPCs. (Or just go nuts in creative)

This idea came from me trying to build up a town from scratch. A lot of the buildings were really big and open, but I didn't have a lot to decorate the interiors with. And when it was time to build the trainers house, it was really missing some pokedolls or cushions.

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By majesticmadman98
#192547 To make it pokemon friendly you could make so when secret power is used on a block it triggers a redstone pulse. Which would also add immersion into maps. Rather than your secret base requiring hidden activation methods. Just secret power on the block and that triggers the redstone mech