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By RexFilms
#195235 I have been thinking about a feature for PC boxes, which would be a very beneficial addition.

The first part of the feature, would be the ability to rename PC boxes. This may be a minor feature, but it would be very useful to the players who like to breed or like to keep things sorted. I have had to scroll through boxes full of Pokemon looking for a box I need, and named boxes could fix this easily. If you wanted a PC box just for HA’s (Hidden Abilities), or for 4 and 5iv Pokemon, you can simply rename the box to whatever name you choose and then never need to struggle to relocate it. This feature is in the main Pokemon game series and by experience has been helpful on more than one occasion.

The second part of the feature, is to have an option be able to sort boxes by Pokedex number or by alphabetical order. This will be an easy way to sort your Pokemon or to bring a number of the same Pokemon in a box together. This can make it easier to look at a certain Pokemon instead of scanning boxes manually and missing one or two along the way. While not a feature of the main Pokemon games, it would be very useful to have on Pixelmon.