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By Licious
#206021 Good afternoon, the quests system in it's current state has a lot of potential for a main series like progression system with a main questline to go down, however, it has 1 missing feature that can potentially break that kind of progression system as it stands Pixelmon quests chaining depend on the player randomly not opening their quest log and abandoning the quest so I'd like to request the inclusion of a new setting for quests, the abandonable parameter if this is set to true (default could remain false/null as to not break current system) 1 of 2 possible things could happen depending on which is more convenient for the dev team.
1) Simply remove the client side Abandon button for that quest on the Quest log, this would be the ideal/more visually pleasing way
2) Add a message prompt such as "This quest can't be abandoned" or something among those lines

Alternatively if this isn't an option an API component would work aswell as the only current solution requires a developer to override the AbandonQuest packet Handler while this isn't a huge incovenience it potentially blocks less experienced developers from achieving this implementation compared to an event based system, if the API route is the prefered one i'd be happy to submit an implementation on the API request forum.

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By Zeot
#206022 +1, would love to see this added parameter for greater flexibility within the quest system :D