By wolfpuck
#209013 Imagine this: You just started a new world and your pokemon faint right of the bat, a common occurrence so, you need a pokemon center to heal them. However, you did catch a Spearow. You look on the Wiki for something useful, and there it is a camera that you can put on your pokemon it's cheep; just four aluminum plates a glass pane and one bit of redstone so, you send your Spearow over the nearby mountain with camera in hand. There it is! You found a village on the other side of the mountain.
This item would be very useful both late and early game allowing you to cut travel time in halve, instead of flying out there on your own send mega Salamence to scout out biomes, and have it return at a moments notice.
It would work like flight with smaller pokemon as well as large ones. You may also be able to attach it to water and land pokemon too. It would take up their item slot kind of nerfing it for balance, also you can't battle in camera mode.

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By GamingTicko
#209014 but isn't the point of minecraft exploreing your randomly generated world? i just don't see the point in this being a feature
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By SKyTheThunder
#209016 Instead of just going somewhere you would send out a Pokémon, hope the path you set would detect a specific landmark, and then still having to walk there regardless? That feels pretty backwards. Plus, I doubt such a niche feature would justify coding an entirely new AI that could follow such commands on random terrain...