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By MarshmallowMan71
#211663 Here is what I would like to suggest. For villagers, I would like if their quests had a note on the corner of the coordinates of where you obtained the quest so you can return to the villager easily. It would also be cool if Iron Golems could still spawn from villagers.

Secondly, The Dynamax Band and Mega Ring. I love overequipping myself with all the cosmetics I can. could the Dynamax band go on the left arm and the Mega ring on the right, and be worm simultaneously? To resolve the problem of having both on at once, the mega/dynamax button in battle could be updated to be two semicircles so you can pick between mega and dynamax while in battle.

The charms. They are small and hard to see, and two of them get hidden behind your arms. could they get moved down on the legs, get scaled to be bigger, worn like pins on the shirt, etc.?

Also, /redeem items sometimes don't stay equipped. Drowned cloak keeps unequipping.