By Resnive
#211971 In the games we can store items in our pcs that we do not have on us. It would be nice to get a pc item storage similar to that in our pcs or a different pc block. Would this be something feasible to add?

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By 9Tales
#211989 I don't see a problem with adding a feature that allows you to put up to 54 stacks of Pixelmon items in the PC. Not a necessary feature, but a nice one. It would mean less throwing away of TMs and held items obtained while on long journeys. Boss loot, raid loot, and chest loot won't have to flood the inventory as much. Anything that can be put in a Pokebag should be able to be stored in the Item Storage System.

Most people don't really carry around Ender Chests since you can't break the Ender Chest to get it back without Silk Touch, but many people do carry around PCs since it is convenient to be able to change up the party at any time. Furthermore, Ender Chests are not usually found lying around, whereas all Pokemon Centers have PCs as of version 9.0.0.

I would like to state though that the Item Storage System hasn't been a thing since Pokemon Emerald, so might be considered an outdated feature. I personally have never played a Pokemon game where the PC had the Item Storage system, despite having played Pokemon games since I was a kid. Still, it would be a nice thing to add.
By Resnive
#212009 Wait they did away with that feature in later titles I know in the first few gens particularly it was something very useful due to limited bag spaces and such. I was suggesting it also due to the amount of items the mod itself adds and no viable smaller ways of storing them. It would be very nice if we had an option to like have even just 3 doublechests worth of items in the pc. That or some other storage options in general we could craft to put pixelmon items like medicine cabinets, etc. Really the main thing is that they should be sufficient to be functional to store the items the mod adds. Also, could we get a crafting recipe for backpacks added or ball bags or the like that can function in all cases where you could use pokeballs such as raids and regular battles? Shulkers are nice but they don't work in all cases.