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By MrYeet123
#213317 In pixelmon I dont find myself "bonding" with my creatures like i do whenever i play a mainline game. They really only feel like tools, which is uh. Kind of bad morally even if we do blatantly murder wild pokemon with no remorse lmao.

Definetly low on a priority list, but what if something simple, similar to Pokemon Yellow's bonding machanic was added. Like if you right clicked on your pokemon with an empty hand an emotion screen with some flavortext would show up, or maybe after doing something specific a textline would appear in the chatbox with your mons reacting to it.

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By SKyTheThunder
#213319 Adding something like this with the restrictions of MC and a small-ish team of volunteers isn't too easy. We don't have the luxury to use the various animations and complex behavior you see in modern Pokémon games.
We'll likely have to work on the smaller scale. I wouldn't do an extra UI, since that also adds some mental distance and can get annoing if opened acciedentally.

Particle effects every time a Pokémon gains or loses happiness would be one way to create a more direct interaction. Something like the sparkles and clouds Vaniller Villagers display for changes in your standing with the Village.
Possibly also potion-effect particles for Status Conditions, to indicate the Pokémon isn't perfectly healthy at the moment.

Random chat messages about things your Pokémon experience could also help, if they're rare enough to not spam your chat.
Pokémon outside their ball may have reactions to the environment they're in:
  • "<name> is fascinated by snow."
  • "Your <name> is watching the clouds."
  • "<name> doesn't seem to like the hot sand."
  • "The darkness makes <name> anxious."
Or rare messages after battle, depending how well the last Pokémon did:
  • "<name> is exhausted, but confident."
  • "<name> looks bored with the fight."
  • "The <status effect> <name> suffered looks pretty severe."
And feeding them items could sometimes cause different reactions:
  • "<name> looks like <he/she/it> wants more." (if raised happiness or liked flavor)
  • "The aftertaste makes <name> grimace." (if disliked flavor)
  • "<name> looked tempted to spit it out." (if lowered happiness)

Might also be affected by the Pokémon's Nature, but that would raise the complexity quite a bit.