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By 9Tales
#216378 When Pixelmon reaches a version of Minecraft that has the brush that is used on suspicious sand and suspicious gravel, I think that it should be able to be used on Fossil Blocks as an alternative to the pickaxe.

When you use a brush on a Fossil Block, you would get the brushing animation, you would see the covered fossil sticking out of the block, and eventually the Fossil Block would convert to stone and the fossil would be dropped. Just like how it works with suspicious sand and gravel.

I think this would be good for immersion with Minecraft, as Fossil Blocks look as "suspicious" as the suspicious sand and gravel. Plus, brushes are one of the tools used in real life to uncover fossils, so it makes sense for them to be involved in obtaining Pixelmon fossils.

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By SKyTheThunder
#216384 Could just move them to Suspicious Gravel entirely, since Fossil Blocks generate in gravel deposits anyway.
We'd have to check how rare/common said Suspicious Gravel is though. Might need to tweak that.
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By 9Tales
#216389 Suspicious gravel has its own loot table depending on the structure it generates in, so adding a loot table with just fossils for it is an option. As far as I know, suspicious gravel only generates in cold ocean ruins and trail ruins though, not in regular gravel deposits. However, instead of having fossils generate in gravel deposits like they currently do, we could add a fossil-themed underground structure with lots of suspicious gravel in it, where each suspicious gravel block gives a random fossil when brushed.