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By Teyowa
#244236 I know we're not supposed to suggest old features to come back but the old version of breeding was much more enjoyable for me, and I've seen a lot of content online that seems to agree. if you don't bring it back it would be beneficial to at least take aspects or take in account what people liked about this system that could be used for potential future versions. Sadly the change to the breeding system turned me from someone who heavily enjoyed breeding in pixelmon to someone who dreads it and finds it very tedious.

What I don't like about the new version of breeding is the requirements and how hands-off it is. It doesnt feel organic, you just shove the pokemon in and forget about them except to feed them random blocks (that are super inconvenient to find) and whatnot. The old system was really enjoyable because it rewarded you by telling a story, seeing the pokemon physically there was overall just super cute especially with the heart feature and the little text that told you they were falling in love. Having to create a whole environment for them made it enjoyable and unique, and gave reason for people to actually /build/ something within the game. Taking in account that this mod is literally minecraft, I think a breeding system that encourages the player to build something, such as a whole environment or maybe a whole center where they keep all their different pokemon, is much more rewarding, as opposed to just having it in a GUI.

Overall I just think that features that encourage more storytelling and physical should not be removed for the case of GUI's. I would love in the breeding system could be altered in some sort of way.

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By Teyowa
#244237 If you don't want to just revive the old system, maybe the new system could be reworked into it? imagine if we had to physically feed our pokemon the blocks instead, and see their hearts go up, or something like that. That would be a cool similarity to base-game minecraft and make it more hands-on.