By Schmacklar
#244255 This suggestion addresses the following additions in Pixelmon version 9.2.10:
    Added healthbar below sprite in PC when a Pokémon is not a full HP.
    Added grey overlay when a fainted Pokémon is in PC.

    These are good additions to quickly gather info about the state of your pokemon. However, I personally find the HP bars in particular quite distracting and ugly. This issue is important to me because I like organizing PC boxes and making them look nice.

    (Image to demonstrate.) It feels especially egregious in the alternate tab view for PC boxes. Even if the HP bars were fixed to be under the correct pokemon, it's too much visual clutter.

    It would be too tedious to go through every pokemon in every box and heal them to remove the visual clutter, so that's why I'm suggesting an option to quickly toggle this information on/off. That way, players who want quick HP-state info can maintain the HP bars in PC boxes, while players like me who find it visually cluttering can turn it off.