By Skibb
#8088 We work together on them, well at least I help you :P
By Vikerus
#9118 You know, I might be able to fix up the original game sounds in an editor. I have some novice experience editing and converting mp3's.
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By Flairintha
Vikerus wrote:You know, I might be able to fix up the original game sounds in an editor. I have some novice experience editing and converting mp3's.

Well, I think a few of them could use a pitch change. ^-^
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By Foquine
#11115 Could anybody tell me the status of this "operation" ? XD
As I said, if a team of voicers is being made, I'm in.
By Skibb
#11117 Sure you can join us if you want :p But you need skype though.