By stonhedge
#3984 Hi,

I own a dedicated server on debian whit a serve minecraft+pixelmon and i want to translate the mod in french.

I think it's the database Pixelmon.db that need to be translate but when i place it in my server, the server download a new file, same if i do it on client.

How can I do?

By Beowulf
#4017 set the download/checkupdate=false instead of true in your config... that should work but I have done that even in the java file and it still downloaded it... But try it out and let me know.
By Saeko
#4024 Salut stonhedge je suis très intéressé par ton serveur français car tu la compris je le suis... =) et j'ai beaucoup de mal à parler anglais d'ou ma préférence de jouer avec des français

Ne pouvant pas t'envoyer de message via le forum je me permet un hors sujet dans ton topic

j’espère une réponse positive =)
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By phorcillic
#4034 Heh, that question adds a possibility.
What about Multilanguaged Pixelmon with in-game option to change language with config option
Code: Select all.
  S:"Deafult language"=en

And availability to change the language by command /pokelang XX (en, de, fr, pl)
This may be PERFECT option for multiplayer servers! :D
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#4035 we would still need someone to translate all the text, some wont be hard to do but we would stll need people for trainer speech and stuff
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By phorcillic
#4036 What about Crowdin - Collaborative translation tool?

Just create a new project, paste text and interested people will do the rest.

And in final form we may have Pixelmon even in Klingonian(Star Trek) or Quenya(LotR). :P
By stonhedge
#4037 Salut Saeko, je suis desolé mais mon serveur est un serveur privé entre amis et on accepte personne en plus pour le moment. Et la traduction ne marche pas encore de toute façon^^
By Skibb
#4040 I already started to translate some stuff to german .