By M7mad133
#4203 hey mr.m :)
i did 3 today because i really didnt have time...and please tell me if you like them or if i should just stop 0.0
By Skibb
#4204 Are they 16x16 pixels ?
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By MrMasochism
#4217 Any paint program will do. is a good free one. Each sprite needs to be in it's own file at a size of 16x16
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By Jack_Attack12
#4419 Ok, :P Agian this is my 2nd sprite, but.. i think it turned out ok. I wanted to put this one on its own because ive done this and quick claw.. so thats all the one group. Ill put my next post have a full list!
By Vikerus
#9117 I would be happy to get these done tomorrow for you. If they just need to be 16x16 it shouldn't take very long.

But should I put them in a .zip or something? Just to save me some time so I don't have to upload each one individually.
By Vikerus
#9136 Here's a bunch of them, If they need to be more refined let me know.