By ihatemimes
Skylord_Nanbug wrote:Just had a bit of a walk arounf the map, its very nice and it shows how more confusing first person is to thrid person, also you can get inside the ss annie and do all the other stuff :D

Yeah. I probably should have gone into a bit more of an explanation on the main post but when you walk inside a building, it teleports you to an 2:1 interior.

You'll also see a larger scale SS. Anne once you navigate your way to the main deck.
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ihatemimes wrote:
SPG wrote:map looks sexy, does some things i wouldnt have done but still looks nice

Can I ask the things you wouldn't have done because I'm still planning on developing it.

nothing major, just little things that dont matter, like i would make my own texture pack and have invisible walls instead of fences, just little things that dont matter so dont worry about it
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Skylord_Nanbug wrote:Also you mihgt wanna tell people to put there gamemode in peaceful I almost run out of hunger, but I did skip a few things.

tell him what you skipped so have can fix the flaws xD
By ihatemimes
SPG wrote:
ihatemimes wrote:
SPG wrote:map looks sexy, does some things i wouldnt have done but still looks nice

Can I ask the things you wouldn't have done because I'm still planning on developing it.

nothing major, just little things that dont matter, like i would make my own texture pack and have invisible walls instead of fences, just little things that dont matter so dont worry about it

I was thinking of a texture pack but most people just end up using their own regardless, so rather than have the game looking messed up on all other texture packs, I'd let them have a choice.

It might change though.

Skylord_Nanbug wrote:I basically just skipped the houses and then I ended walking around after I figured out that you can enter the SS anie

The adventure side hasn't yet been put in place. I'm just waiting on a couple of features before I start on that. But once it is in place, you won't be able to enter without the ticket.

And as for the hunger problem, were you still running out of food even with the food given at the beginning of the game?

Thanks for all the input guys.
By Skylord_Nanbug
#977 I skipped alot of things cause I wanted to see the SS Anie so i must have missed that food, the map is great but got a bit lost in Mt Moon so some more directions maybe could help if players havent played fire red before and they dont know the way
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By fugger973
Acek wrote:i am constantly getting a message "Your game mode has been updated" on this map.. anyone knows why?

I posted this on the old forum and nobody ever replied before they got shut down. I haven't been able to find a way to fix it.