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By Tom_X
#616 Sorry to SPG and Pokenerd, for an odd reason my comment in which I changed ideas was not posted. Here it goes, however:
Yaseen wrote:Why not try using Stone bricks instead of slabs

I thought it wouldn't look like a Pokecenter, but now that you say it, I can mix those two and couple more materials to create an interesting looking thing

By Yaseen
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By Tom_X
#629 Thanks for the pics Yas, gave me many ideas. However that'll take some days, I'm short of time
By Yaseen
#631 Np and awh alright oh and btw the other day i didnt go to sleep at 6pm xD i was at my cousins house
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By Tom_X
#3756 well, it doesn't matter, I'm not currently working on this but it will need a total re-doing, so I don't think pics are important