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By Shiikuro
#82808 Coming across MrMasochism's old request, I have decided to share my designs for the generated Pokemon Centers, to possibly have this one spawn on Plains biomes. (Excuse the iron blocks for the Pokeball up top or in the center. That can easily be replaced with something else :P)


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By Zilcor
#83052 I love this and think it's a much needed addition to the pokemon centers but I don't really find the battle arena necessary.
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By Reinen
#83754 Cool but i want to see it with no TP (texture pack)
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By Shiikuro
#83958 I apologize for the Texture Pack! It didn't come across my mind at the time. Here's a new image of the Pokemon center WITHOUT the texture pack!

Edit: I just replaced the link with actual pictures in the original post with the pokemon center w/o the battle arena and the texture pack for easier navigational purposes.
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By Reinen
Shiikuro wrote:I apologize for the Texture Pack! It didn't come across my mind at the time. Here's a new image of the Pokemon center WITHOUT the texture pack!

Edit: I just replaced the link with actual pictures in the original post with the pokemon center w/o the battle arena and the texture pack for easier navigational purposes.

Hey The developers said no iron gold diamonds redsotne blocks nothing op that players can grab and go
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By Shiikuro
#84116 I know. In my original post I said it could easily be replaced. Light gray wool is an easy solution as it looks just like iron blocks as well as it's inexpensive.
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By Zilcor
#84178 It seems a little bit too tall maybe if there was a second level that would be needed but make it shorter since there's only one level including the stairs to the trading machines.
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By Kalaster1
#85453 I like this pokecenter a lot. It's an improvement from the other pokecenters (I'm not saying the others are bad), and the height just makes it look awesome. Though I'm confused as to what those countertops on the second floor are supposed to be... NPCs don't spawn in them anyways.