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By Sifts
#165285 Hello Pixelmon Forums,
I have come to you today to ask if anyone would like to be the first to join an up and coming factions pixelmon hybrid server, PokeVerse. Though it is still under construction, we need a good group of folks to help with ideas, and to help giving suggestions as to what the final product will incorporate. Those nice enough to stay with us through until the launch will presumably get a staff position (perhaps paid) , though it is not guaranteed for every pre-launch helper. We do not ask that the helpers do any actual work, just play as they would usually, and have fun (but make sure to report the bugs to us)! If you would like to contact me, please email me at [email protected] with a preferable small paragraph as to why you would be a good beta tester. Please do not write this in an application type format, small
Thanks and Happy Holidays,