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By Zerkky
#167862 Hello everyone!
I am Zerkky.
So Ive been bored alot lately.
And i really want to help a server out.
So i decided that I will try to apply on a Pixelmon server.
If you have a Pixelmon 3.5.1 and you need staff then Im the staff member which you need!

Here are my experiences:
-Advertiser on PokeRealms
-Admin on PokeWAP
-Helper on PixelClash
-Owner of PokeLand
-CoOwner of a friends server which is already dead ;(
-Owner of a building team called Team Carnia

And i got some job offers which i denied:
-Admin on GoLucky
-Helper on OmegaPixels/UnitedPixels

And i have alot of cool ideas for Pixelmon servers which could help the server to grow.
Im active Quite alot.Im online every single day.
And i have a YouTube channel with which i could advertise the server a bit.
And i have alot of other stuff like Twitter,Twitch,Enjin profile(like 100 friends).So i could try to advertise the server on that pages aswell :D

Lately im interested into drawing on the PC.
And i did some pretty cool stuff so i could try to make some cool arts for the server too.

I really really hope that someone will want me as a staff member on they're server.
Since i can advertise,help,draw,etc...
And i have alot of experience.

Have a nice day everyone!

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By SeanRox712
#167900 Hey Zerkky, I'm SeanRox712 the owner of the soon to release server ShinyPixel and its amazing Custom Designed region Pixon. Join us at and become part of this great big family!