Forum rules: 
  • This forum is not for hiring developers.
  • Do not post personal contact details (e-mail, phone number, Skype, etc.) publicly. Discuss in forum topics or private messages.
By Hatson
#174465 I am a builder for hire, If you want to hire me and want proof im a good builder just reply with what you want me to build and where to send you the photo. Here is some things you might want to know!

Name: Jeremiah
IGN: Hatson
Age/Qualification: Teenager
Skype: Yes
Steam: Yes
Team Speak: No
Time Zone: Eastern
Hours Play: 4-7 A Day, 28-49

User avatar
By Ayyavazi
#174535 Hello Jeremiah,

I might be interested in having you as a builder on our server, but first I have a few questions. If you plan to do this for free, what do you expect to receive in-game for compensation (if anything). Basically, what makes you want to do it for free, or what do you get.

Secondly, would you be willing to build in Survival Multiplayer, without creative mode? Everything on my server is built this way, with the exception of Pallet Town (and that is soon to be fixed). Our (small) community is deeply against creative building.

Looking forward to your response.


By JeanMarc1
#174756 Hello Hatson. Pixelmon Golden Glow is still looking for builders, and if you fill an application that fills our standards, you will be welcomed into our team.

We are a server that are trying to look into making a custom pokemon region, with its own quests, story, cities and gyms. If you are interested in being part of that project, you can either apply on our website:

Or in our pixelmon thread:

please note that if you meet our standards, you will have to join our website to get your rank.
By XDfinder
#178356 hey Hatson
I want to be a builder for you're server :)
my ingame name: XDfinder
My RL name:Jules
Iam 15 years old
I have skype and steam
I don't have team speak
my time zone: west europe
I dont know if this works but I can send you the picture through skype :)

From XDfinder