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By Feutore
#170299 Now that's a nice gym ! Really good ! Like it a lot ! Nah, it should be a fighting gym because it reminds me of traditional japanese dojo thingie. I litterally can't think of any other type with this kind of structure

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By TheOmniAdam
#178570 I haven't seen any of the other gyms get a "Yes we are using this structure" message but I'd be curious the status of my submissions as well.

By the way the pictures of your Gym look super legit- but is it contained to 30x30? It looks HUGE.
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By SCaydi
#178615 Thank you. Well, when I was making it MrM didnt tell me anything about max size or any other kind of restrictions, which is why I asked if I should keep going with it, and he said 'Yes'.
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By Deo3560
Pokenerd8 wrote:Another idea would be having to find the right lever/button/pressure plate, and finding the right one would teleport the player via cmd block. which you would just need to type in /tp @p ~9001 ~9001 ~9001. If your wondering what the ~ is for it basically tells the cmd block to add onto the coordinates for where they currently stand. (might be a pain doing the math).

Hold up, we can use command blocks? That would save SO much space and allow me to get rid of a lot of redstone. Not to mention make much more complex gyms.
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By bvanseghi
#179592 Hm, maybe add archways made of fences in the hallways? Try to narrow the traveling space so that players will bump into trainers...

Fences seem to be the only thing I can think of that can pull that off without making it look ugly.
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By lightningo7
#183069 Could you please provide a link to the world download instead of the snapshot download?
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By bvanseghi
#183092 So, in order to help us out, it would be nice if you could make a gym leader skin and name.

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