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By dulmamocar
#244153 i'll explain, i started to build a map for a tournament some time ago, and the first part of it is fighting against a region's gym leaders, elite four, champion and rivals in order, having representantions of the main battles of each game, cutting rival battles unless is the final one to use it as "special boss", currently i started to work on the paldea part of the map, (thanks to the new update with all the paldean dex), i eagerly finished up the first section until the first gym to have it at least started, having chosen an area order to mark as routes, then i put Katie her team mates, her nymble, tarountula and teddiursa, (at this moment holding as normal type to wait for the terastal phenomenon update to finish it), then i got three starters to begin the run of the paldea area, (because we're using the pokerogue style of moving through a region), i caught the first three area pokemon, i battled against the first team star battle or mesagoza, then i reached the "kortondo" representative area, which is just a gym battle of katie, then i started the battle with fuecoco, to do the fastest test run, (trying Katie NPC at Default ai at first), i burn the little Nymble, but then before i read i hear the familiar sound of "Teddiursa!", and i get confused, because i set up Teddiursa as last pokemon, as i always have done with my NPC's that represent ingame battles, after a lot of test runs i see that she changes to teddiursa just because from her team, its the pokemon that resists fire type the most, but that troubles me, because i really need teddiursa to be last for the battle to work correctly, and i didn't expect that default ai would rewright its team just to resist to your pokemon, so, first question:

1: is the default ai made to behave this way, putting counter measures at mid battle, breaking all pokemon trainer default ai's where the pokemon order goes first or the strongest pokemon goes normally last?

2: if this is an intended feature of the default ai, would the terastal update make the NPC think its using a Bug type instead of a normal type?
(asking this because the battles at paldea are required heavily on the going last thing, i don't want a ghost terastal Toxtricity at the first turn of the ghost type gym, the idea is to match the original difficulty of the fights or improve gyms that truly need to be improved, since the level of the NPC matches yours in this map)

The NPC following Default logic should do: Nymble>Tarountula>Teddiursa

but its doing: Nymble>Teddiursa>Tarountula

which makes the last pokemon of the battle feel underwhelming, and more so if when terastal comes happens the same way

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By SKyTheThunder
#244195 This would probably be best in the "Suggest a Feature" sub-forum.
You could add ideas you have to this thread for example:
That way we have it all documented in one place, and easy to see for devs.