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By Dracoman355
#92037 I am an admin on a pixelmon server and am curious as to whether or not there is a way to disable the use of poke radar on servers, (for those of you who don't know Pokeradar is a mod that can be used both in single player and multi player to find shines, bosses, and legendaries). As of now I have to check each person I suspect of using radar by making them give me screenshots, and it is nearly impossible to tell if people are using radar. If anyone knows a way to disable it for players to use, or even a way to detect people using it I would appreciate hearing about it, thank you and have a nice day :)

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By Dracoman355
MrMasochism wrote:It will be coming soon

Thanks, glad to hear it :)
By Da Donk
amodace wrote:What if they update pokeradar to go around that?

Pretty sure it should still be configurable in the pixelmon server files to disable it.
By 1Charak2
Da Donk wrote:
amodace wrote:What if they update pokeradar to go around that?

Pretty sure it should still be configurable in the pixelmon server files to disable it.

if they did update so would pixelmon to stop it !