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By JJL1000
#92798 Hi, My name is JJL1000 and I was just wondering if maybe you guys [specifically SPG] could make Magmortar and Ampharos's models soon. I really would like it if they came out in Pixelmon 2.6.1,
Also the Kalos region starters (Froakie, Fennekin, Chespin, etc) could be added. I would love a Greninja in my party <3


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#92806 we arent added gen 6 for some time, normally i would say til gen 7, but the case for waiting for gen 6 to come out to do gen 5 pokemon was different from now, so you can wait and see for that because no one knows what will happen right now (not even me and im the one that sets it up) as for those 2 pokemon, we dont take requests, we do what we feel like it when given, and i'll have a list of pokemon I recomend a set group of people to do, and even then im not force them to do that. what im saying is, if you want it, make it, and that will never change