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By vigo27
#92870 In the new version, spawn rayquaza, but, in what biome? and mewtwo dont spawm no?

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By enkilleridos
#92883 Really? Because I found one in a plains biome(rayquaza)...I am writing an in-depth guide with a walkthrough on the steps that a player can take to capture a legendary spawn. It also goes in-depth with what pokemon drops what and where they spawn etc. This is because the walkthrough (and an additional side-mod walk through for mods designed to work with pixelmon or requires pixelmon.) will go through the different options other than mining for gathering common resources in pixelmon. The guide is not written for multiplayer servers, as I do not play multiplayer connecting to a bukkit server. I use the lan function and play on hamachi or tunngle with a group of friends. I am stressing this because I am exploring all the different side mods found on these forums, even a couple that has links removed but can still be found.
By Kryyss
#93115 I had a Rayquaza spawn in the plains biome as well on my flatworld that I use for designing buildings.
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By Some Body
#93232 Rayquaza spawns in Plains biomes with a default rarity of 1/3000, which can be changed in the config file. This rarity applies to all legendaries besides Mewtwo, who doesn't spawn.