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By drakehardy
#93333 i downloaded 2.5.7 and i go to open minecraft with the cracked launcher and after the mojang logo pops up, the game crashes! is there a way to fix this? i have tried on every version of Pixelmon since the launcher was made!! i love this game, i played it before the laucher came in, and i loved it! please help me!!!

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By Brawnk
#93336 Try it with a legal copy of minecraft.
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By enkilleridos
#93357 Wait you can't afford $20? Your budget is so little that you can't set aside $5 a week (if you have a job.) or if you are like me with a set monthly income set aside $5 a month untill you can buy it? Ask for it for a christmas present. Gift codes are available to be bought from If no one likes you enough to buy you minecraft for a xmas present I feel for you.

Besides the cracked version is crap anyway. Not many mods actually work for it. Even though I have a legitimate account I get the same problem when I log in with the cracked version.