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By branstrocker
#94239 can you make it so legendaries are broken again on server's this is destroying small server's, if we turn them off people know that they can spawn and then complain, you guy's really messed up when you allowed them to spawn again.

By LaKerfuffle
#94251 That's not the developers' fault in the slightest; it's your server's community that is the problem.
By Airth
#94292 the server I staff on has thee same problem, we cant get anyone to donate, because people can just go out and catch the legendries. and its the same thing if we say "you can donate for them" they say "why pay for something that I can get for free" and if we tell them that it is disabled they threaten to leave
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By Lemonita
#94295 Re-download 2.5.7 and legendary disabling should work. A hotfix was brought out 1/2 hours after the release of 2.5.7.
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By MrMasochism
#94315 what you could do is just make the spawn chance really low so yes they can capture them in the wild but the odds of finding one are incredibly small, especially when heaps of people are looking for them